
About Pandoora

We Can Help Find Your Future With Astrology

My name is Right Rev Bill Duvendack. I am a 35+ year practitioner and student of the western mysteries, as well as being an internationally known astrologer; specifically, an esoteric astrologer, author, presenter, psychic, tarot reader, and teacher.

I am an ordained Thelemic Bishop through the EGNU who can provide ceremonies of any faith and type, in accord with one’s beliefs. I have performed everything from weddings and handfastings to baby naming and blessing ceremonies, as well as remembrance services.

When it comes to astrology, I am a lifetime member of the Astrological Association of St Louis. I have written articles for various local newspapers, and have a monthly blog and free electronic newsletter. I also write monthly horoscopes for the metaphysical resource center Pathways, where I teach classes on astrology and the western esoteric tradition, meet with clients, and give divination readings. I have presented in many different venues, ranging from public libraries, high schools, and colleges, to private groups and gatherings such as the Pagan Picnic in St Louis, Pagan Pride events in various cities, Pantheacon, Babalon Rising, the SIDHE Festival, Oak Spirit Sanctuary events, the Kansas City PRS Psychic Fairs, Chrysalis Moon, the Greater New Orleans Pagan Pride Day, the International Left-Hand Path Consortium, and Wolvenwold. I have made many media appearances on Fox television, NBC, and the CW; interviews with local papers, and have been interviewed by the NY Times and RTE 1 radio from Dublin, Ireland, in addition to local radio stations.

How I Works

My process

I have also presented at astrological conferences such as the 2016 SOTA conference, the online event AstroSummit 2.0, as well as the Pluto online celebration several years ago. Between leading a church through various board positions, and sitting on the board of the Astrological Association of St Louis, I have over 25 years of experience in managing successful non-profits of this type and nature.


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Regarding the Western Esoteric Mystery Tradition, I have been working with that system for 35+ years, and have much experience with its teachings. I am an internationally published author, with essays appearing in over four dozen anthologies, ranging from the Temple of Ascending Flame to Christopher Penczak’s publishing house, Copper Cauldron, and many places in between. My magical writings have been translated into six different languages. I have authored over eighteen books on the subject: “Vocal Magick,” “The Metaphysics of Magick,” “In the Shadow of the Watchtower,” “Spirit Relations,” “Awakening Lucifer,” (co-written with Asenath Mason), “Astrology in Theory & Practice,” “Sat en Anpu,” “A Draconian Egyptian Grimoire,” “Qliphothic Astrology,” “Dark Fruit,” “Psychic Protection,” the “Teach Yourself Astrology Workbook,” the tarot book and set, “Oraculum Leviathan” (co-created with Asenath Mason), and several others.

My skills include, but are not limited to, ceremonial magick and many of its more specialized branches, such as Enochian, shamanism, paganism of all types, familiarity with the Afro-Carribbean traditions, channeling, mediumship,  divination, evocations, invocations, working with semi-precious stones, ghost hunting and paranormal investigations, past life regressions, and exorcisms. I have read tarot cards for the last 26 years, and 20 years of that professionally.

I am a member of the Fellowship of Isis as well as BOTA, and was founder of the now dormant coven ‘Luna’s Veiled Wisdom’, as well as a co-founder of the dormant magical lodge ‘Sanctum Sub Rosa’, which was aligned with the Congregational Illuminism current. I am initiated in the Golden Dawn tradition and am experienced with Spiritualist methods of channeling, mediumship, and spirit work. I also have extensive experience with energy manipulation techniques of a wide variety. This includes being extensively familiar with Spiritualism. My experience also includes having theoretical and operational knowledge of, Hinduism, in particular mantras and pujas, Tantra, Buddhism, and Theosophy. Asenath Mason and I also own and manage the publisher “Draco Press,” and in that capacity, I am an editor.

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